Complete Franchise Business Package
Includes the following:
- 1 unit Japanese Inspired foodcart
- 1 unit 5 cu feett chest freezer
- 1 Siomai stainless siomai steamer
- 1 Plastic juice container
1. Complete Kitchen wares, plastic wares and others
1.1 1 juice ladle1.2 1 kitchen knife1.3 1 chopping board1.4 2pc sauce bottles1.5 1 food tong1.6 1 tissue dispenser1.7 1 styro box1.8 Calculator1.9 Stainless tray
2. Initial food and paper products worth P7,000
Food Products2.1 All siomai variants ( Japanese, Beef, Pork and Shrimp Siomai)2.2 Special siomai sauce2.3 Chili garlic sauce2.4 Calamansi2.5 Gulaman syrup2.6 Gulaman powder2.7 Mineral water2.8 Sesame oilPaper Products2.9 Styro tray ( dine and take out)2.10 Sando bags2.11 Tissue2.12 Take out sauce plastic2.13 Toothpick2.14 Plastic gloves2.15 Plastic cups 12 oz.
3. Crew Uniforms
3.1 4pc Master Siomai T-shirt3.2 2pc Master Siomai sunvisor
4. Cleaning Supplies
4.1 1 plastic trash can4.2 1 plastic broom4.3 1 dust fan4.4 Liquid soap4.5 2ps towels4.6 Mop4.7 Chair
4Slash provides you best business startup package for your business and marketing ideas.